
When you need wings :P

Last night it was my good friend Paul (basist in The Band)'s 18th birthday :) Having already been to an 18th on Thursday which resembled a school disco with more tarty outfits, I was looking forward to it a lot :)

To start with it was a bit disappointing, not going to lie, because although Paul did cry (n'aww) when he found out about the surprise birthday party, The Band ended up playing for an hour and forty minutes, despite it being Paul's birthday and despite the rest of The Band wanting to enjoy themselves and not work at one of their best friends' party. It was kind of just like another gig, which I found really hard because I had been looking forward to going a bit crazy with Lena like we used to before she was in the band and actually getting to talk to Oliver. After The Band finished everyone (except Paul, luckily) was tired and depressed. So Oliver, Lena and I all got red bull, even though I hate the stuff with a passion, and ended up dancing to thriller, just us and Lena's mum! Oliver and I didn't know the dance so we looked doubly silly, but we didn't really care. So happy birthday Paul- it was his birthday today so he shouldn't have even been drinking last night :P And ta for a good evening. Eventually.

 Trying to learn the steps of 'Saturday night' :P That's why we are both looking at the floor!




Zwei Jahren fϋr uns :)

Yesterday Oliver and I celebrated our two year anniversary :) Yay! Though in reality it isn't actually that long, we are going to be together for a lot longer than that :) But anyway, we thought it would be nice to go out for the day, and as we went to Bournemouth last year we decided to go to London- even though we have been a million times before :P Like this time... (look at Oliver's hair! this was only a year an a half ago!)

Lol, we've both changed so much :P We had such a lovely day and the weather was really good, mostly glorious sunshine :D So here are a couple of pictures of our 2 year anniversary and thank you Oliver for an amazing 2 years! :)

We accidentally found M&M world which was pretty awesome as we kept seeing people with M&M world bags and Oliver really wanted to go but we didn't know where it was :P Needless to say, we didn't buy anything, it was all a rip off.


Say :)


It's been too long :P

I haven't blogged since Saturday :O My internet is temperamental :( Instead of blogging I have been doing cool things like...

Playing on MacBooks in the iPod shop:

(That's me as a chipmunk)

And playing on guitars worth a LOT more money than we have :P

Oliver really liked this Taylor guitar, I mean it's only just over £1,300 :P When we have lots of money and amazing jobs and win the lottery, we will go and buy a Taylor each, one in koa wood, just like Taylor Swift's.

Other than that we had a grape fight where Oliver ended up smacking his head on the fridge and I have worked for an almost illegally low sum of money- though everyone who works there is nice and I enjoy it :) The shop itself is a bit of a joke because the stuff they give us to sell is so tacky, in fact we have a new bra range designed by Katie Price, doesn't that say enough?

I have been playing with photoshop again, though this one was pretty quick, just over layering a starry sky on to a picture of Oliver- he just randomly climbed on top of a garage on this photoshoot and I snapped his picture :D

Catch y'all later,



Playing with Photoshop

I have the trial of photoshop atm, so I thought I would share with you one of my edits seeing as I didn't include a picture in the last post :D

As you can see, I have yet to master it :P


Love and Cake

I believe in many things; love, marriage, family, community, selflessness, trust, beauty, that everything happens for a reason (summed up perfectly in the Beatles song, 'All you need is love' with the line 'there is nowhere you can be which isn't where your meant to be') and God.

However, I don't think people only fall for one 'right' person. I believe in love, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that I believe that anyone in the world could make a good couple. Take any boy and any girl and they could make a life together work if they both tried. 

It’s like making a cake. You mix up a bit of each of them and turn them from separate things into one new, beautiful cake (this sounded cooler in my head). Some cakes are better than (or just different to) others, some people will always have things which annoy you, no matter how hard you try, like me and my ex-boyfriend- we would have made a bad cake, a savoury cheese one with mint chocolate chips and raspberry jam in the middle maybe. We could have made a life together work, but it wouldn’t have been the best life we could have. On the other hand, Oliver and I complement each other, like a banana and chocolate muffin (omnomnom). So just make sure the cake is right, people, before you cook it.

Make of that what you will,


Introducing... The Band

Right, The Band play quite a large part of my life, partly because Oliver is in it and partly because that means that I end up at approximately a gig a weekend. This weekend we were at a particularly nice pub, aka one that doesn't have aggressive men jumping around or drunk women falling over (it always reminds me of the Animals song they play "We've got to get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do"), and the nice-ness of the pub was evident by the bathroom sign:
:) So that made us all laugh a bit :P But yeah, back to The Band. As you may notice from the pictures below, Lena (from the first photoshoot) sings, but they all do actually. They are a 50s-present covers band and there is 5 of them, George on lead guitar, Lena singing and playing tambourine :), Oliver on rhythm, Paul on bass and Phil on the drums. Not that you care, but I thought I would introduce them so you knew who I was talking about when I mention The Band in later posts.

Oh, and the pub had these amazing bowls of jelly babies, nom nom nom. A bit of a rip-off, naturally, but still pretty cool :)


Say :)


Review: Sophie Scholl- The final days

I have to admit that at the moment I have a strange fascination with watching historical foreign films (with subtitles, naturally) and the latest one really struck a chord with me, 'Sophie Scholl- Die letzten Tage', a biographical german film about the White Rose resistance movement in Nazi Germany.

Plot summary in under 20 words:
White Rose distributed anti-nazi propaganda, got caught and then all involved were executed after an unfair trial.

It really bothered me for many reasons:
a) She was only 21 when she was executed
b) She never once made excuses or took the escape routes offered, she remained loyal to her views
c) One of the other men who died, Christopher Probst, had a 4 week old daughter when he was executed
d) They were non violent
e) I don't know if I would be able to do the same, to put my life and my family's life on the line, even if it was for the goodness of humanity.

So I thought I would share with you a translation of her actual last words before she was executed- by guillotine, if you were wondering.

"How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause. Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?"

So remember, peace, love and faith will always prevail. Earth may rob my body but it'll never rob my soul. After death, what can they do?

Peace, Say :)


Autumn colours

I love the colours of Autumn and I particularly love the shades that have been worked into this seasons clothes- terracotta, burnt orange and cream :) Just thought I'd share this outfit... I actually love the bag too :D
Cardigan: New Look, Two-layer shirt: Store Twenty-One, Jeans: Primark, Boots: Store Twenty-One, Bag: New Look

Say :)


Just stress!

We found out what Annie's fits are! Stress.

She's coming out of hospital tomorrow and then she will have a week's rest and recovery with, I think, some medication before slowly moving back into normal life.

She's just fine :)
So we're both smiling again, even if I have about 6 chins in the picture above :P

On another note, I am just getting my Operation Christmas Child box ready which is very exciting! I am doing one for a 5-9 year old girl because me and Oliver did one for a boy last year and it is quite fun to pick toys and things for people to open on the other side of the world. If you don't know anything about it, check it out on http://www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk/ :) They would love new people to get involved.

See y'all



Meine Schwester

I just thought I'd post again because, well, I don't really know.

It's just my sister. She's ill. Over the weekend she was admitted to hospital because she collapsed. They did this CT scan, so they know she doesn't have a brain tumour, and she was released. But she has just been readmitted because she's been fitting again so she's staying in hospital on a drip and she's going to have an MRI scan tomorrow. They thought the fits could be epilepsy but now they aren't so sure, so no one really knows what's going on. Especially me. I have heard everything second hand, I can't go visit her as she lives away from us and I don't really understand the situation. I have always been close to my sister, even though she's slightly odd and gets herself into the worst situations in the world and always falls for the wrong guy and then can't get out of it.

So I hope she get's better.

My beautiful sister, Lillianna. Here are some pictures just of my holiday of me and my sister.

This was just us in this massive rain storm on our balcony. The rain was like rocks, but we wanted to be witness to all that power. It was beautiful and magnificent in a strange kind of way.
Then this is me and Annie half way up the mountain on our way to see a waterfall :)
And again :) Though this time I think we were on our way to do an impromptu photoshoot with Oliver and his new reflector :D
One of the photos from said photoshoot... both of our eyes have kind of disappeared, they do that when we smile, one of the few features we have in common.
This one is of me smiling, obviously, but Annie is actually grimacing :P She was petrified of the cable car! But we got a good view in the end. And then lastly...

So there you have it, my wonderful sister Lillianna. Please get better soon, I don't know what I'll do without you. You are always there for me and I love you.


In the deep...

Right, I'm just going to through you guys right into the deep end, not that I have any guys reading yet. But never mind, I digress. Forget all the 'about me' stuff, I am just going to launch you into my life with a few random explanations on the way.

Ok, so I love Autumn. In fact, it is my favourite season. And why? Well, mostly it's because of the colours :) But also, I love the weather as it is cold and clear so my thoughts are also clear and when its sunny I don't have to strip off and if it is freezing I don't have to wear a hideously unflattering coat.

Anyway, my boyfriend is a photography student and we just went out and did some random photo shoots, one just with me and him and one with my best and only female friend. So here are the results, they are pretty awesome :) I like doing photoshoots because even if I feel awful and almost cry every time I look in the mirror, the photoshoots we do always prove to me I can be beautiful. The first one, for example, we did when I was having THE WORST skin day ever, and, as you will find out, I have terrible skin. So yeah, it makes me feel a bit better. It has been scientifically proven that you are 20% more attractive than you think you are, so just remember that everyone else sees you better than you see yourself. I think I'm starting to realise that.

 And this last one is probably my favourite from the first shoot as I have no idea how I did it but it looks pretty rock and roll :)
So that was the first shoot :) My banner picture is also from this shoot, though again I don't really know how I took something that awesome. My boyfriend is just amazing. Cheers Oliver!

Oh, so here is the second autumn shoot we did, though this was focused more on Lena, so the pictures of me are much more jokey :) I'm not sure she knows I'm putting them on here, but I figure that since they are on good ol' book face that she wont mind lol.

 We were doing the "Baywatch run" or whatever it is :P Unfortunately you can only really see me doing it as Lena is facing more straight on to the camera! I swear she did it on purpose to make me look funny lol

I'm afraid I'm slightly vain and tend to edit pictures with me in them first :P But I will edit more of Lena at some point :) Though it would be to late to show you guys then.

Bye bye now,
